Rohan Mars
Rohan Mars
No idea if this is the same solution for the problem listed, but I had many similar problems for about a week trying to get Openshift to start up properly....
No idea if this is the same solution for the problem listed, but I had many similar problems for about a week trying to get Openshift to start up properly....
I just made (yet another) cleanup implementation that focuses on multi-arch cleanup: At any rate it shows the approach/complexity of the requirement.
I fixed this in a new project., without the providence workaround above. It requires uploading a temporary manifest to unlink the tag, then that can be deleted.
Yes skipping sha's is what I did essentially not to not delete the platform specific images linked from the manifest. It gets more complicated when you want to support multiple...
I fixed this in a new project. which also supports untagging, so it doesn't delete the image if there are still tags on it.
I fixed this in a new project. However, to implement this you can lookup the repository from the octokit api and test if it's an organization or a user...
I fixed this in a new project.