Results 10 comments of rogierc

FMPOV better sooner than later..

I am getting the same error when running the browser from a remote machine. When I log into the container and use cypher-shell from within the conatiner, it works. My...

Could be it is something else than autentication... The debug.log shows that every 10 secs neo4j is restarting, without any warning or error.

@jennyowen I did a rebuild of the container and volumes. The restarting has disappeared now. I assume something got stuck during experimenting and restarting the container. I will create another...

I seem to have solved the connect issue in my neo4j container. Now I can issue cypher queries in the browser that get executed by the server as expected. I...

@darshanmehta10 My run command is issued by docker-compose based on the configuration given above. It's a very basic setup for experimenting using unencrypted communication. I'm not using a certificate right...

One escape for Copper users would be getting Firefox 52 ESR. See: This Extended Support Release will still get security updates for quite a while. I am using this...

Hi Nicolas, Run into a similar issue. After some puzzling I solved it. Cause is confusion about different ReST-API's. Helgoland seems to use the so called **Series API** (see:

[Mule CoAP Connector]( requires java 8 support. No problem to drop java 7 support from there.

No experience here. But reading the docs ( Azure seems to use OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry has different options for collecting metrics. One is using a custom agent. An example here: