If you trying to add this, you maybe need distance restriction for height dispalying, such as ~25m, ~50m, ~100m, ~150meters. Because I am worrying about the height info will messed...
Mod1's User Agent Changing Works. Needs force close of ChMate.
Extend for multiple input ``` @echo off cd "%~dp0" for %%q in (%*) do ( echo %%q realcugan-ncnn-vulkan -i %%q -m models-pro -o "%%~nqx2.png" ) pause ```
Little fix for using drag and dropped current directory ```` @echo off cd %~dp1 for %%q in (%*) do ( echo %%q "path-to-realcugan-ncnn-vulkan\realcugan-ncnn-vulkan-20220728-windows\realcugan-ncnn-vulkan.exe" -i %%q -m models-pro -o "%%~nqx2.png" )...
I think so too. The partition table broken. The only saivor is format them but I don't know how. Where is [pt.blob]( and [gpt.bin]( I asked shop to repair then...
Tsubonofuta (Modify) 2.1-mod2 Tested and Works with: dev