cool, thanks! so the new stragegy is to simply use a separate string for chunks of 1024 in input string (as in msgstr "foo" "bar" "baz" ) ? (i expected...
thanks for info. probably an issue with autopoint, pulling in the m4 file containing the macro from latest gnulib (or if missing there, from gnu gettext) can fix it.
> this file belongs to gnulib. and gettext should not ship with it(the gnu gettext does not include it too). well, we copied gnulib m4 files into place to make...
currently not. is there something missing in particular that you need? if not, there should be no issue with using the ones we ship.
i pushed a tag for kernel 4.4.2-based headers, plus a number of regression tests. seems to work fine so far (i did a testbuild of a good portion of sabotage's...
i don't know what msgattrib is doing exactly. since there's only one package using it i would suggest talking to its maintainers about the situation and suggest them to ship...
> In my view we should separate it out yeah, parsing it properly could well be preferable. > If we code such a function, we could abort safely when we...
@xhebox and i are discussing the issue right now in chat... meanwhile may i suggest my own fork of xchat2 ( ), which doesn't use meson nor XML stuff...
@TingPing > Yay security bugs \o/ heh, do you have any specific fixes in mind ? @awilfox > @xhebox – Yes, I think AppStream should be an option as well....
@TingPing > You would keep backporting hexchat work, at which point maybe just use the actual upstream hexchat. thing is i prefer the look and feel of xchat2 over the...