Manuel Rösel
Manuel Rösel
Please comply by GPL License of kernel.
If everyone is intrested, ArrowOS available for veux Poco Veux Xiaomi roms are just a disaster...
Hey Jamyz! You dont know, how to find the firmware. I think the best way to recover the cam is a ftdi mini module like [this]( Your cam has a...
Hey Hug0! If you have working SDHack, so you can dump the SPI flash with the following command: `busybox nanddump -f mtdX.dump /dev/mtdX` Repeat that, with alle mtd devices. After...
Did you test the hack with the SDCARD?
Okay. If the sdcard dump didnt work for you, so you can create a custom rootfs. I can help you, but i need a dump or firmware image from the...
Hi pai68! I have send you an email with some instructions. Today, i have analyzed a cheap cam from chineese [(unitoptek)]( I have created a small python script to extract...
Hi Springfieldsmith! Wich model do you have? Most models have an SPI flash. It is very easy to read. If the SDCARD hack doesn't work, you can use a miniftdi...
Can you send me a link from the firmware file? I cant find anything about WAPP-JS or AWS53..