My octo4a is using a wrong Timezone, and I can't change it via SSH. Any advise? Thanks.
Hi, webhooks that were working on previous versions are not working anymore. Anyone else with problems?
It would be great to have a chance to choose from contacts or leads to fill email address when writing an email on EspoCRM.
Espo.WARNING: E_WARNING: Cannot use a scalar value as an array {"code":2,"message":"Cannot use a scalar value as an array","file":"/var/www/html/espocrm/application/Espo/Core/Webhook/Manager.php","line":107,"context":{"event":"Financeiro.update"}} []
using .noindex or even disabling External Files from indexing is not working.
Why not having a possibility to notify users of a group or team as you can do with a user using @username when comenting on a flow? It would be...