Rodrigo Lopes
Rodrigo Lopes
This issue seems to have happened again here:;service=zeebe;time=P7D?project=camunda-saas-prod
This has happened again [here](;;cursorTimestamp=2024-04-19T14:30:36.094475413Z;startTime=2024-04-19T14:01:06.094Z;endTime=2024-04-19T15:01:06.094Z?project=camunda-cloud-240911).
We just finished the last step for QA so I will mark this epic as done.
This long output of error message has happened again [here](, although the cluster seems to have been deleted after.
Happened again here
Further findings: It is relatively easy to reproduce the test locally, by just rerunning until failure the test. (It takes on average less than 10 times on my machine). Similar...
Sorry I got the libraries confused while I was writing, I meant to say the one from AWS. While looking again at this issue it seems that in the linked...
Triage: @mustafadagher was there any more recent examples of this happening so that we can access the likelihood?
I ran the test locally around 100 times plus also the QA integration tests here in the CI 5 times just to be sure that is not flaky.
I was not able to reproduce the issue locally.  The output on the right is from the run that showed the flakiness. On the second transition, we can see...