Rodolfo Pietro Calabrò

Results 23 issues of Rodolfo Pietro Calabrò

# Description Finish missing ethers signer methods implementation

Implement a signer specific for ethers functionalities - [ ] Proper Ethers signer and ethers.TransactionResponse implementation - [ ] Proper populate call methods implementation Note that this can require a...

Type: Enhancement
Size: Large
Priority: Medium

Improve browser compatibility. As a user I want to create browser app that use SDK as dependency. Issues: * Issues with webassembly for solc compiler * Some libraries issues (fs,...)...

Type: Feature
Size: Large

Type: Enhancement
Priority: High

According to the vechain node swagger, the logIndex and the transactionIndex are not returned. If, as reported, the only alternative is to query a block for every entry log, we...

Type: Enhancement
Size: Medium
Priority: Low

We can add a validator package for input validations. Commonly we have: ``` function x(input) { // ... validate input ... assert(...) // Flow doSomeStuff(input) } ``` Why cannot create...

Type: Enhancement
Type: Maintenance
Size: Medium
Priority: Low

As a Contributor I want to be able to view the SSD diagram which offers a higher-level overview of all the packages and macro-systems sequence interactions of each packages and...

Type: Documentation
Size: Small
Priority: Low

- [ ] eth_gasPrice - Understand only if 0x is ok, or we have other alternatives - [ ] eth_getTransactionCount - Understand only if count is better, instead of nonce...

- [ ] eth_estimateGas - [ ] eth_getBlockByHash

Type: Feature

- [ ] eth_call - [ ] eth_sendRawTransaction - [ ] eth_getLogs

Type: Feature