Rodrigo Deodoro
Rodrigo Deodoro
Upon further research, I realized Code Surfer is built on mdx-deck, which is built on gatsby, and according to this will probably never be possible. Damn.
So it turns out I was barking at the wrong tree here - that gatsby issue is related to renaming the `public` directory itself, not any subdirectories. I also found...
I have the exact same issue with the CircleCI artifacts storage and would very much like to see this merged. Happy to help if help is needed.
You can get around that by adding `'calc(100vw - 120px)'` to the list of widths, and then resizing the browser window.
Not directly, but you can use it with node (using App.js from create-react-app as an example): ```bash $ node ``` ```js Welcome to Node.js v16.14.2. Type ".help" for more information....