
Results 22 comments of Rodrigo

If I understand you right, I think we need to implement all marshaller interfaces: ``` go // UUID is a unique identifier, based on the UUID spec. type UUID interface...

I think this is the better approach! I'll make some tests and after that, I'll submit a PR for your analysis 👍

Please test with the last commit using `"TLSAcceptAllCerts": false`, was fixed an issue with StartTLS

The problem seems to be when Mattermail tries to login to the Mattermost. ``` login on Mattermost to post mail message: login on mattermost V4: http://*****/api/v4/users/login: model.client.connecting.app_error, Post http://******/api/v4/users/login: dial...

I don't know if it's correct but in your log I can see `http:` instead of `https:`

Great, I'll to do some tests to see if it's possible to make the Mattermost client to accept all the certificates.

Mattermost client: Client V3 LoginByLdap(ldapID, pass) RegisterApp(app *OAuthApp) Client V4 LoginByLdap(loginId string, password string) CreateOAuthApp(app *OAuthApp)

Maybe we can create a filter field like this: ```json "Filter": [ { "Folder":"Email Folder 1", "Channel":"#test" } ] ``` With this configuration all emails received on folder "Email Folder...

This is a possible feature for a next release

I think is possible to create something like that, maybe using reply in Mattermost, to answer an email. Thanks