Rodrigo Cisternas Albornoz
Rodrigo Cisternas Albornoz
> Any news on this? I have a test app, which I run locally on my Android device, and I am seeing the same thing whenever I call Push.send: >...
I finally fixed this problem by upgrading meteor to 1.10.2 For some reason, the package wasn't installing correctly on Meteor 1.8.1 so many methods weren't accessible causing that my meteor...
can you make a stackblitz reproduction of your issue?
I was having the same issue. Apparently, it's because of the difference in the versions of NODE. I had 6.x.x on my server and 9.x.x locally (where they were passing)
@joncursi I've done exactly the same as you
@joncursi My only concern regarding writing attributes at the top level is that someone might overwrite something very important ie: services The solution they propose is doing it on the...