See this screenshot. If the buffer has folds, there will be a redundant sign in `nvm-tree` window. This extra sign will disappear if I execute one of the following: 1....
After setting `_extmark_signs = true` in `gitsigns` config, this plugin shows nothing on the signcolumn with folding. Thank you. UPDATE: The diagnostics signs are shown as normal. It seems only...
Was looking for such a plugin for managing clipboard and finally I found this. Thank you. I am using `vim-surround` as well and I noticed that the deleted surroundings such...
Is it possible to run `NvimTreeFindFile` but keep the focus on the file buffer, i..e, not focus on the tree automatically? Thank you so much.
For example, I totally opened three windows and the contents of each one are the same. My cursor is located at line 126 in the leftmost window. I want to...
Really love this pure tab plugin. I hate bufferline. Are you planning to support scrollable feature just in case the tabs are too many or too long that cannot fit...
Sometimes after I quit neovim during fidget running, I get this error in the terminal. I attached a screenshot below. nvim version: built from master os: macOS: 12.4 Thank you.
Add an option to set the window border. Motivation: The default `blend` is 100 meaning totally transparent and it will be blended with the code under it. To avoid this...
When saving a session using a session management plugin, or even vim builtin `mksession`, if some floating windows are open, they will be recorded into the session file but as...
Hello Liucheng, First, I really appreciate your efforts to make this elegant status line plugin 👍 . I have been using it for a long time. This time, I want...