Hi, thanks for the fast answer. It might be an idea to use an USB-OTG-Adapter to get a working serial connection. Tablet OTG USB2COM Scale Any opinions about this?
Hi, what exactly are you trying to achieve? What system are you working on (android / ios / web / linux / ...) If the device you want to write...
To give your users the possibility to choose the location [file_picker]( is another idea.
Hi, i'm using this library with an OTG [adapter]( from Moswag and a Samsung Active and have no issues. So the best thing might be to just try it. It...
Hi @aldysetiaa, did you make any progress regarding this issue or do you have any further questions? Greetings
#78 fixes this issue
Does your android device work with the CH34xSerialDevice when using the example app? What does the error look like?
To solve this issue the kotlin version of the flutter project itself has to be updated, as flutter_tts uses 1.9.10 (see `android/build.gradle` in the tts plugin). ```bash ┌─ Flutter Fix...
@dlutton Maybe it's worth mentioning to check the kotlin version in android section of the This might prevent more issues like this in the future.