Hi, what platform are you running the code on? The plugin is written for android, so running it on ios, linux or windows might result in the error shown above.
AFAIK it is not planned, but @altera2015 might say more about the plans regarding his package. You might be interested in using one of the following packages, which support serial...
Do you need a graphical userinterface for this purpose or why are you using flutter? I think, it's easier to use a language like python, c++ or Golang to achieve...
Hi @paulobreim, we discussed about the issue and i think there is no reason to keep this issue open anymore. Would you mind closing this issue. Thanks
Can you provide more information, when you want what to happen? You can use the IntentFilter to start the app when a device is connected. When you use the IntentFilter...
Can you please give some context to this message. When does it happen, what devices are used?
#77 fixes the error. Please take a look and merge or comment, if something does not fit thx
If you need it now you can take a look [here](
Hi, can you provde a small code example, how you use the lib? Some information about the used hardware is helpful, too. Thanks
Hi, can you provide more information about the following: - used hardware - sample code (minimal example / the important parts of your app) - does your tablet and hardware...