Sebastiano Poggi

Results 132 issues of Sebastiano Poggi

This is an extension function I frequently end up writing and using in projects: ```kotlin @RequiresApi(26) fun Activity.setNavigationBarStyle() = window.apply { decorView.systemUiVisibility = decorView.systemUiVisibility or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR } ``` (off the...

The script doesn't work with kscript 4. Need to update it to make it work, as there were some breaking changes in the kscript major release. See


**Describe the solution you'd like** It would be convenient if the script were distributed as part of a Gradle plugin, or a Homebrew/... package, so that updates can be obtained...


**Describe the bug** The script has only been tested on macOS and I suspect on Windows/Linux the `-p` and `-n` options are removing _the whole "home" IDE folder_ for the...

help wanted
good first issue

**Describe the bug** When you have previous backup folders (e.g., `*backup00`, `*backup01`, etc.) the script considers them for cleanup too. We should filter out the folders that match `.*backup\d{2}$`. **To...


It should be possible to only show outdated dependencies in the reporter output and in the console, as in many cases one just wants to see if anything requires an...

We should generate a warning if the package-info already exists with different annotation.


If you set a modifier on a Splitter, it crashes with something like this: ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot coerce value to an empty range: maximum 1004.0 is...


For multi-devices scenarios (e.g., interviews or calls with two USB microphones connected to the same Mac) it would be great to have the ability to use PTT on multiple devices,...
