Sebastiano Poggi
Sebastiano Poggi
Being worked on in #253
Further note: scrollbars can look different when they are on transparent or non-transparent backgrounds. They also have a border in non-macOS OSes, but theoretically could also have it on macOS...
Another note: the scrollbars (at least on macOS) go immediately to the "fully opaque" state, and then animate back to translucent. The built-in scrollbars in Compose Desktop simply don't allow...
Also see #80 for other issues with platform consistency
Marking as blocked externally until we can see if there are changes in 241
Yep, that's the current workaround in the Jewel IDE sample. It isn't good enough tho; you can either only ever do it the first time a tab is shown (with...
The problem I reported here is that when the ComposePanel gets focused (it is never destroyed when not visible, to be clear), it doesn't pass the focus inwards to its...
Maybe I am not explaining myself clearly enough, so let me try again. First things first: I think it is reasonable to expect that when a ComposePanel gets focus for...
Again, to be extra clear: I am ok with whatever is the first focusable component in the ComposePanel getting the focus. I am not asking to save which composable specifically...
Thanks for the in-depth analysis, Sasha. I am not sure why the cause is set to UNKNOWN, but that's probably because it's a programmatic change (the JTabbedPane does it on...