
Results 5 issues of roccotocco

PHP Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /var/www/html/blacklistmonitor/classes/class.smtp.php on line 343

Hello im getting this error suring arduino ide compiling: exit status 1 'cLEDMatrix' does not name a type that's in hardware.h line 34 cLEDMatrix buffer; // Default starting point: Bottom-Left....

im getting this error when tring to install in esphome: Configuration does not match the platform of the connected device. Expected an ESP32 device. how i can solve ? Thanks

Im not able to pair nothing..... suddnley the thermostat disconnect me without pair [bluetooth]# pair 50:61:F6:6E:BF:DB Attempting to pair with 50:61:F6:6E:BF:DB [CHG] Device 50:61:F6:6E:BF:DB Connected: yes Request confirmation [agent] Confirm...

Hello, i need to pair 15 devices but its a very hard and complex to do..... i tried to add with comma all the mac address but do not working........