I have the same problem with OnePlus6T. Let me know if you find a solution.
Update to 2.7.2, it works now.
Is this relevant to this issue?
I fixed it adding this in the MainActivity @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { try { return super.dispatchTouchEvent(event); } catch(java.lang.RuntimeException e) { if ( e.getMessage().compareTo("Crosswalk's APIs are not ready yet")...
@santi-cognifit Add it to the MainActivity, in the src folder of the Android platform
@frontyard This project is no longer mantained, so I don't expect an official fix. I would be happy to know a way to automatize the code add too.
I'm working on it, it works but i MUST optimize it and parse it better, and handle all the childs/parents relations, a huge work.
My work was based on this documentation:
It's been a long time since i wrote it, but as i remember it was working perfectly. I used it to extract the needed data, as keeping all the records...
Please attach The log in The fallout folder and The %APPDATA%/vaultmp.log