
Results 9 issues of robvanvolt

Hello again! I trained my model now and i'm wondering if I have overseen something: Does your code provide the possibility to generate Images (e.g. 512 like in the original...

Hello there! Would it be possible that you release the pretrained model, so we could generate captions for our unlabeled datasets? That would be awesome!

Hey there! I encountered a strange bug in the middle of an epoch - CUDA was out of memory in the middle of a run... ``` 1 16370 loss -...

As the number of papers (and pull requests) is increasing, the idea of testing a branch before merging it to master becomes more and more important. @afiaka87 ans @rom1504 had...

I disabled wandb during my latest run, and the and were saved, but unfortunately not the - i am unable to generate images with those pt-files. Is...

The image generation takes a good amount of time because of the training, as far as I understand. When the pretrained models are released, how big is the size of...

The image generation takes a good amount of time because of the training. When the pretrained models are released, how big is the size of the pretrained model, and how...

Hey there! It's Robert from LAION! Congratulations on this really interesting dataset release! I was just wondering if it was possible for you to release details on your internal watermark...


You say: "Currently we only support models for inverting OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 embeddings but are hoping to add more soon. (We can provide the GTR inverters used in the paper upon...