Yang Liu
Yang Liu
fixed #7. By this way node will throw a meaningful error like this: ``` [[[[[ ~/git/meteor/mysql-test ]]]]] => Started proxy. => Started MySQL. [MySQL] Performing initialization queries... => Errors prevented...
Whenever the initialize sql file contains errors, the thrown error is useless and stop the meteor to quit gracefully. The error message is like this: ``` Error: Couldn't parse stack...
According to https://stackoverflow.com/a/51656568/2214973, the `travis-ci.org` is deprecated. We should use `travis-ci.com` for the badge url instead.
It's always reproducible on my machine. I tried to reproduce it with other code but failed. Currently the exact reproducible code is: ```javascript function construct(f) { let newObject = Object.create(f.prototype);...
The `remove_field` duplicated with [L30](https://github.com/geektime-geekbang/geektime-ELK/compare/master...robturtle:fix-logstash-config?expand=1#diff-bd5caccf6ca07eed5c194c25ec0ca227R30)
The username does not necessarily match the database name.
slack比微信更适合做大型聊天的平台。 1. 讨论主题可以按topic区分,方便各成员日后翻阅。(比打开微信群发现500+未读干脆弃聊不知道高到哪里去了) 2. 丰富的插件和集成群,方便交流的同时提供了各项目合作开发的平台。 本人微信已经被封,在这静候佳音