@zeginis example of an observation in turtle: eg:IWaveBN_Daily_o349489 a qb:Observation; qb:dataSet eg:IWaveBN_Daily ; eg:station_id mi-vcb:westwave_MK4 ; eg:statistic mi-vcb:daily_max ; eg:Date '2017-11-21'^^xsd:date ; eg:Hmax 0.0 ; qb:measureType eg:Hmax . I have...
@zeginis I have updated the RDF following the four points above. I'll upload the files to the shared folder. Our endpoint is still internal but hope we will have something...
@zeginis On Friday I was able to get the MI SPARQL endpoint data working with: java -jar graphql-qb-0.2.0-standalone.jar --port 9000 --endpoint A basic dataset query (query={datasets{uri%20title%20description%20}%20}) is working. Where...
@zeginis Thanks. I didn't change anything in the CubiQL configuration. From trial and error in the generation of the DataCube and in order to get the Data Cube integrity checks...
@zeginis I tried different combinations yesterday and when adding qb:dimension and qb:measure in place of qb:componentProperty CubiQL failed to run. I'm meeting NUIG this afternoon and we'll investigate further.