Rob Secord
Rob Secord
We saw this error today, and it turned out to be an expired Apple Push Notification certificate. Thx @adamgins for leading us in the right direction! My only concern/request is...
Ya, I used the interfaces for something else. Forget what now. I guess I could inherit from them, but it's not necessary. Good catch though, thanks!
Thanks for the update! Let me know if you have any questions or need anything from me! I realize that there is a lot of work involved, so I have...
Definitely a bug! Thx for catching it and pointing it out! :)
Thanks for the update! I have made some slight changes to the file structure. Please pull latest. I have also tried to get coverage working to no avail.. It seems...
Ahh, I fixed the withdraw functions in the escrow! Didn't realize you meant the one in the controller.. I have now fixed that too, pull latest! Thx again!
Any update on this? If not it's ok, I will pay out a portion of the amount for the work done so far.
Hey, no problem, thx for the work so far, and let me know if you want to pick the ball back up! I want to keep the bounty open in...
Hi uivlis, thx for starting on this! Any update on progress?
You're right, I have had a nightmare trying to make Jest + Coverage work.. We can drop Jest and stick with Buidler + Mocha. And I plan to move away...