
Results 34 issues of robov

Is this compatible with nwidarts modules, so I can split up my mailables in modules

Review Needed

I see that I cannot extend my mailable from a default design Would be great to have, so the designs are all consistent and dry @extends('') @section('content') @endsection


Seems that the view data can only handle indiviudal variables, not objects or arrays

Review Needed

How can I setup the video to play as fluid In videojs "data-setup="{'fluid':true} but that same code does not work in here. Am I missing something ?

When a css file is missing your code never ends

When I activate your autocompress then my fileupload is no longer working. EVEN when I set all the settings to FALSE.. I still get the following error Any suggestions ```...

I get this error when running my test `Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\UnexpectedAlertOpenException: unexpected alert open: {Alert text :` However when I derive my DuskTestCase from the original one `use Laravel\Dusk\TestCase as BaseTestCase;` I...

would be nice to see collapsable tests instead of just one big list Accordeon style, default collapsed ![image](

It would be cool if I could start the listener dashboard from the bowser. But when I call `Artisan::call('dusk:dashboard'); ` in my controller I get `The "./tests/Browser" directory does not...

I have a basic laravel setup that automates the testing of legacy php application. Somehow the images of the legacy app are not show in the dashboard screenshots. Any ideas...