How to add middleware to a package ?
I really love your course, .. can you add a lesson on how to deal with css/js files in the package and use them in the package views ? and...
When I want to delete a ticket type: The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again. .. and yes... I refreshed the page and tried again
Is it on your roadmap to upgrade your current 5.5 laravel platform to the current 5.8 ?
When I run `php artisan schedule:run` the email fetching does not work When I run `php artisan handesk:parseNewEmails` the email fetching DOES work. I did no changes in kernel.php Any...
When I email a ticket with Attachements I cannot open the attachment
How can I disable the button in a form that is not valid (at least 1 invalid field)
Mautic stored the countries in plain text (not iso3) I wrote a small wrapper to covert the iso3 to the mautic plain text equivalent ` // based on : app/bundles/CoreBundle/Assets/json/countries.json...
When I try to create a new contact with an invalid email I get the following response back The messagepart contains a string and then a json string. I would...
When I run this static analyser : I get: The type hint on the listener: OwenIt\Auditing\Listeners\RecordCustomAudit does not match the event class path The RecordCustomAudits::handle accepts a `\OwenIt\Auditing\Contracts\Auditable` but...