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Web testing library for Robot Framework
Fixes #1738 Changes made by Dave Martin @sparkymartin
Dave Martin and I were discussing some wording and understanding about timeouts. He has the following suggestions for some clarifying sentences to the documentation to make clear (changes in **bold**)....
# For issues ## Steps to reproduce the issue I noticed when running headlesschrome I get a failure versus using chrome which passes. I think the Javascript changes before the...
# Feature request While evaluating RobotFramework + SeleniumLibrary I found a use case where the value of a textarea is changed and I would like to wait until the value...
Wait Until Textarea Contains - wait_until_textarea_contains Wait Until Textarea Does Not Contain - wait_until_textarea_does_not_contain Wait Until Textarea Value Is - wait_until_textarea_value_is Wait Until Textarea Value Is Not - wait_until_textarea_value_is_not Closes...
Can we have a keyword wrapped around Get Web Elements which will do operations on the list return by this? For example, If in an application I filtered a column...
Headless edge option with msedge selenium tools. pip install msedge-selenium-tools selenium==3.141 needs to be installed in order it to run.
# Feature requests [As MsEdgeDriver is now available for Linux OS](, it would be great if the Edge/Linux configuration was taken into account in addition to Edge/Windows configuration. Thanks a...
Support [Edge webdriver for Linux](