Rob Mathers
Rob Mathers
Tossing a vote out for this one as well. Would make it much simpler & cheaper to be able to automate it with CI actions on less expensive/more available Linux...
I'd second this for sure. Additionally it would be nice to have a way to reveal in Finder, so we can delete downloaded but not installed versions if we hit...
It would be nice if this were officially documented by the team, or otherwise resolved, rather than having to guess at it. FWIW I find I have to disable the...
Thanks for the info, this project isn't really something I touch often, but I'll have a look when I get a chance. At first glance it shouldn't be anything to...
If you want to submit this as a pull request, I'd be happy to take a look and accept it.
Just a guess, but I think you need to use the `Program` key for the executable path. The `ProgramArguments` would be any flags afterwards. Otherwise, I haven't tried using launchd...
We've also run into this with Microsoft OpenID. I think there are three related issues I've seen: - The trailing `/` as noted - Microsoft also lower-cases the returned URL,...
Also running into this issue (although we're on an older release), on the Xcode 11 GM. Unfortunately the `LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS` fix didn't get the tests running for us.
Good tip from @juhanh. Switching to the iOS 13 simulator (from 10.3) also did the trick. Unfortunately a lot of our tests break due to small rendering differences in the...
Adding my support to this. Would be super useful for me.