Rob L.
Rob L.
Hi @arcondello ! Sure- Easiest way to reduplicate the error is to just set up a new directory called ``test`` somewhere on your hard drive somewhere (i.e. md test). Type...
Hi! That is a good suggestion and much appreciated. I gave it a shot to manually add the files to the pyinstaller installation using both prescribed ways: 1) adding ``dimod``...
Absolutely! Here is the content of ``dist/test/dimod``: From this screenshot, already I can see an issue, which is that not only does ``cyqmbase`` not exist, but neither does a host...
Yea, that's a good suggestion. I edited my .spec file to collect all dynamic libraries (including .pyd files) imported by ``dimod``, as follows: _test.spec_ `` from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_submodules, collect_data_files...
Alright, so trying another way to import the ``dimod`` submodules: ``` datas = collect_data_files("dimod") a = Analysis( [''], pathex=[], binaries=datas, datas=[], hiddenimports=['dwave-neal', 'dimod'], hookspath=[], hooksconfig={}, runtime_hooks=[], excludes=[], win_no_prefer_redirects=False, win_private_assemblies=False, cipher=block_cipher,...
> Has anyone reached out to get this merged? And does it work on Windows? Asking the same question here. I'm trying to use Tiingo instead but that doesn't seem...