Rob Labs

Results 23 issues of Rob Labs

Following up on use and attribution of downloaded maps —  _cf._ #12, _Handling of attribution to adhere to TOS for Tile Companies_ Documenting some research into what it takes to...

Results from building MapLibre for iOS on macOS Ventura/Xcode 14 & inspired by a comment from [@username0x0a](, (🎩tip). > *with Xcode 14 & iOS 16 Simulator, I'm getting an instant...

good first issue

* The build step `make ios-test` fails on GitHub Actions at [step 12, Line 1318]( * `make ios-test` builds fine on a local dev machine. * Need to be able...


When building MapLibre for Android, there is a warning from the Gradle build. It's not clear if upgrading to Gradle 7.0 will benefit MapLibre, but this may need maintenance in...

good first issue

The Android [NDK]( used by MapLibre for builds was released in 2020. Since the first MapLibre Android release there been five additional official NDK releases. Error if no NDK is...


This enhancement request is for showing the current Mapbox GL JS build version. This is not a request to update to the latest release from NPM, but to just show...

While building a style from Scratch, I wasn't sure what this tool tip meant. * `'source map data link (if available)'` I *believe* it is looking for a URL to...

The "Jump to Location" in the upper right hand corner is **very** useful --- ### Enhancement request * When someone launches Fresco, allow them to pass in locations.json with preset...

While testing the Examples app in this repo with Xcode 12.5 Beta 2 there is a blocking compiler error related to `MMEEventsManager.m`. * Compiler error occurs with Xcode Version 12.5...

In `OfflinePackExample.swift`, when downloading an offline pack there is a test to determine whether the _Completed Resources is equal to the Expected Resources_. The test that determines _download complete_ fires...