Robin Lehrmann
Robin Lehrmann
Hi, it would be very nice to have support of ansible for pibakery. Just a block where you can define a playbook.
Why not downloading it on the server directly? I had this error on my mac and thought it makes maybe sense to move the download directly to the server maybe?...
Hi, it seems that include is deprecated now. Here is the update :)
Hi, I think we should move the examples directory in an own repository, because the examples are not related to library.
Hi, This yml metadata was generated: ``` Mobile\Search\SearchResult: xml_root_name: search-result xml_root_namespace: '' properties: total: expose: true access_type: public_method serialized_name: total xml_element: namespace: '' accessor: getter: getTotal setter: setTotal type: integer...
Hello :) This will resolve #83 I thought it might be a good idea to parse the transports mapping in the `messenger.yaml` and map the transport with the eventSourceARN of...
We have implemented a system where an SNS Topic distributes messages to multiple SQS Queues, each backed by a dedicated Lambda function. The primary reason for this setup is to...
Hi, This yml metadata was generated: ``` Mobile\Search\SearchResult: xml_root_name: search-result xml_root_namespace: '' properties: total: expose: true access_type: public_method serialized_name: total xml_element: namespace: '' accessor: getter: getTotal setter: setTotal type: integer...
I would prefer to use prophesize in the test suit. It's smarter then the native phpunit mock library.