
Results 14 comments of Rob

we'd love to see that merged as well!

in vim I was using split windows heavily and bindings such as: ``` map :vertical resize +20 map :vertical resize -20 map :vertical resize +20 map :vertical resize -20 ```...

mobx-state-tree now does expose a `getMembers` method that could be used to fix that.

@Idered i guess it would be nice to have it in mobx first so we don't have to implement an enhanced map as the workaround. have a look at:

@o2themar that is weird since that works for me, only gets into the loop when I try to disconnect - just to make sure, do you have the topic created?

> Some more findings. I found the [loop]( where it was printing the logs. It seems to be stuck in this loop and it cannot get out. exactly that was...

What I've seen during the debugging session is that even though there should be a forwading here: ![image]( the RD_KAFKA_OP_TERMINATE never appears in rkq during the polling. in `rd_kafka_consumer_close()` ```C...

while this hasn't been fixed in node-rdkafka yet for the standard consumer, it is related to the reblance_cb which gets invoked after the disconnect is initiated. if this rebalance that...

I believe I can reproduce in a rather simple scenraio. when running the e2e test on node-rdkafka it happens in afterEach hook of the both.spec.js:282 In case you want to...

hey @o2themar sure - here you can find the full report: if you want, we can look into it on my machine and debug it. i sadly can only...