Thanks for your excellent suggestions. I'll try using the high timeout value today, and collect the log files you requested. Sadly, the Windows 10 SDK fix released by Microsoft doesn't...
Using a long timeout didn't help either... I've collected the content of the `dd_*.log` files. There's a lot of output (140+ files, ~50k lines), which I can send if required....
@AshwinPai1981 Are you certain the credential is set correctly in the Jenkins master? I got stuck on this problem for a while. I had the same symptoms and went through...
I should add, once logged in to Jenkins, it is possible to navigate in the UI to the YADP configuration and set the SSH credential back from the 'fake' SSH...
On second inspection, it looks like it's just not recognising the credentialId - in the UI, the credentials field is 'none'. I now can't reproduce the error I had before...
It's tricky to reproduce, but I'm seeing one of the symptoms every time I start up Jenkins (no SSH credential loaded into YetAnotherDocker configuration / new empty credential added to...
@pawankm21 are you still planning on working on this? I would like to give it a try if not. Thanks :-)
Awesome, thanks! The 'BAD' url above should generate a 401 or 403 error, which should be enough to reproduce the problem (or, you can use any SoundCloud URL without specifying...
@codinronan I've had the chance to play with this a bit in an application now, and it seems the player automatically tries to 'skip' past the offending track and play...
I think the best way to handle this is by catching `RmxAudioStatusMessage.RMXSTATUS_ERROR` status messages with code `RmxAudioErrorType.RMXERR_DECODE` when adding tracks to the playlist