I've successfully compiled eclim with the following command: ``` ant \ -Declipse.home=/usr/lib/eclipse \ -Declipse.local=$HOME/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_4.5.0_155965261_linux_gtk_x86_64/ \ -Dvim.files=$HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-eclim ``` However launching _eclimd_ is not possible ``` $ ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_4.5.0_155965261_linux_gtk_x86_64/eclimd /usr/bin/java -version java version...
Before this change, plugin would stop initialization unless `g:ackprg` has been found. This would prohibit from loading `:Ack`, `:AckFromSearch` and other autoload commands from being accessible. With this patch, plugin...
I've running a ROM and after a while decided to move it to other directory. The emulator forgot all my saved states. I've tried saving a state to a specifed...
**Example** ``` # pytest-compatible file import pathlib from dataclasses import dataclass from yamldataclassconfig import YamlDataClassConfig def test_loads_empty_file(tmp_path: pathlib.Path): @dataclass class Config(YamlDataClassConfig): pass cfg_path = tmp_path / 'config.yml' cfg_path.touch() Config().load(cfg_path) ```...