Rob Hogan

Results 85 comments of Rob Hogan

Thanks for the reports all - if anyone is still seeing this issue, could you start Metro with `DEBUG=Metro:* yarn start` and let us know the output from Metro as...

Hi @JulienFremy - thanks for that, super helpful. The absence of a ["Using watcher:"]( log there is interesting and suggests `metro-file-map` isn't actually being initialised in watch mode. That comes...

Hi @thib-info, are you having the same experience as @ghostgarrix that a physical device works fine, but only simulators fail to fast refresh? If that's the case it points to...

Hi @Twiggeh - Metro generally transforms everything by default (it has to parse files to understand dependency relationships), so there’s no way to “include” something for transformation. Could you share...

@danielknell first, thanks! Worked a treat and seems like the most sensible+DRY way of handling craco configs. FYI: I'm using craco to customise `babel-loader` so that I can have TSX...