grails-angular-scaffolding copied to clipboard
A Grails plugin for scaffolding views using Angular.js
`ng-generate-*` generate the htmls for list and show and throw a NullPointerException when proccessing create. This is the exception that is thrown java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'matches' on null object...
Fix for I installed the plugin as an inplace plugin and fixed issues #37! There were two problems with the plugin when running from my system. - The first...
ng-generate-all angular.test.sector | Error Error running script ng-generate-all _sector_: startup failed: _NgGenerate_groovy: 115: The return type of java.lang.Object getTemplateNames() in AngularTemplateGenerator is incompatible with java.util.Set getTemplateNames() in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.AbstractGrailsTemplateGenerator . At...
Probably because plugin support evolved in the last release, I have the following error whan running scaffolding: | Error Error running script ng-generate-all --stacktrace: startup failed: _NgGenerate_groovy: 60: unable...
Currently inside the show.html scaffolding template the following code has an issue when you have null values returned -- values end up being displayed against wrong labels... Example: - in...
I've getting a javascript error on a pretty simple example and I'm wondering what I misconfigured. - grails create-app grails-angular - cd grails-angular - cp -r /grails-angular-scaffolding lib/angular-scaffolding-1.0-SNAPSHOT - add...
I only get an error if I want to visit the demo under
Document: - REST interface - directives - overriding templates