grails-angular-scaffolding copied to clipboard
ng-generate-all error.
ng-generate-all angular.test.sector | Error Error running script ng-generate-all sector: startup failed: _NgGenerate_groovy: 115: The return type of java.lang.Object getTemplateNames() in AngularTemplateGenerator is incompatible with java.util.Set getTemplateNames() in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.AbstractGrailsTemplateGenerator . At [115:2] @ line 115, column 2. 1 error
I am also facing same issue... Error Error executing script NgGenerateAll: startup failed: _NgGenerate_groovy: 115: The return type of java.lang.Object getTemplateNames() in AngularTemplateGenerator is incompatible with java.util.Set getTemplateNames() in org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.AbstractGrailsTemplateGenerator . At [115:2] @ line 115, column 2. 1 error ......... Have you any idea how to fix this issue?
The newest zip file not dploy to maven repo. You should downlod aggug's update from his branch and install to your local maven repo. Fix: AngularTemplateGenerator.groovy @Override protected Set<String> getTemplateNames() { ... }
Any chance of creating a new release with this fix? I wanted to use this plug-in, but I'm not going to roll it out to the entire team if we have to do workarounds. Lends itself to a recurring wasteful activity.
I'm interested in a new release too, in the meantime I'm developing an experimental new version featuring platform core Themes and grails Fields plugin.
Thanks. I'll check it out.