Roberto Molinari
Roberto Molinari
When estimating the beta in GM we get CIs (and SE?) based on AR parameter. ``` Model Information: Estimates CI Low CI High SE BETA 8.930278e-03 9.987464e-01 9.994683e-01 2.194496e-04 SIGMA2_GM...
I suggest using the following formula for the Omega matrix of the RGMWM in the package: Omega.rob = solve(V/eff) where V is the covariance matrix of the WV from the...
Apparently the GMWM (gmwm.imu()) slighlty changes estimates for the same dataset when changing R sessions. I guess it's due to the guessing algorithm but it would be good to find...
Hey everyone, I'll let you guys (Justin and Nate) coordinate, but the tasks that should be carried out now (given that the package can be installed) are as follows: -...