I had some challenges with policy as provided in fhir-works-on-aws-deployment\scripts\iam_policy.json I had to add : "sqs:*", "glue:*" in C:\My Workspaces\AWSFHIR220819\fhir-works-on-aws-deployment\scripts\win_install.ps1 line 212 is currently: $redep = (Get-CFNStack -StackName -Region $region...
## Bug Report **Current Behavior** env set in launch.json are not set in process.env. **Sample Code** file: launch.json { // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. // Hover to...
### Describe the Bug File getViewportsForAnnotation.d: import type { Annotation } from '../types'; export default function getViewportsForAnnotation(annotation: Annotation): (import("**packages/core/dist/types/types**").IVolumeViewport | import("**packages/core/dist/types/types**").IStackViewport)[]; Has "packages/core/dist/types/types". File getViewportForAnnotation.d.ts : import type { Annotation...