Hi, I also discovered some tags were presenting problems during my tests. For instance, I had to create a subset of the ALICE AML ( located here: ). I...
@dreamingechoes great. I didn't really write the library just ported it over to a gem.
hey @dreamingechoes I will accept a pull-request if you think you have a fix.
@decampj4 no problem, published it just now
Ah, found a license in Keypad.cpp, is that for everything?
@redox your test does not test the original issue b/c the op's implementation is inside an `add_index` block.
Just digging around a little bit, should something be done with the `block` here?
I did a little more digging yesterday, seems like the settings for the slaves of added indexes never get applied when they're all getting looped through... will have to do...
@redox yep exactly. I need to right now for legacy support on some clients, but would like to migrate away eventually.
Is there a good way we could add support? Seems like a pretty valid use-case?