Rob Cecil

Results 7 comments of Rob Cecil

I noticed the issue too, and it is easily demonstrated using the CALayer backed borders and resizing the target UIView. It appears UIView backed borders work fine for rotations or...

@aaronn is there a simple technique to move/recreate CALayer-backed borders?

@hjfreyer The yaml doesn't seem complete... How does it work? I don't see any tls_certificates, nor trusted_ca... Shouldn't you have something like this under transport_sockets: ``` transport_socket: name: envoy.transport_sockets.tls typed_config:...

I have wondered the same thing. It's when I converted a taskpane.tsx from a Class Component to Functional Component that I started to notice linter errors (unvalidated properties in an...

> If you would like to update the template to use functional components, we would welcome the PR. > > ESLint is now the preferred linter for TypeScript over...

My presenter: lazy var loginPresenter: Presentr = { [unowned self] in let width = ModalSize.custom(size: 400) let height = ModalSize.custom(size: 500) let p = CGPoint(x: self.view.frame.origin.x + (self.view.frame.width / 2)...

@msaps I'd like to expand this - need a way to specify not just the text of the Tab Item, but more generically to set AttributedText on the UILabel in...