Thai Bui
Thai Bui
No problem! I'll write some tests this morning... Thanks, Thai On 1/9/12 4:13 PM, Derick Bailey wrote: > the ideas sound good, but i'm a bit confused by the implementation...
I added a redo spec to the project. Here are some notes on the details of the implementation: - Because we're redo-ing, we can't pop states off the attribute stack,...
dirtyState makes sense to me. I just pushed that. As for the scenarios you mentioned: 1. I think the "set something" and "set something else" are basically a single atomic...
If any change to the model is preceded by a store(), then it would work the way you describe (and I intended) because the store() clears off the rest of...
Quick ping to see if you're still interested in this pull request. Is there anything else you suggest? Thanks.