
Results 8 issues of rnjv

Pls modify python reads_to_ctg_map.py /path/to/lib1_A.fq /path/to/lib1_B.fq /path/to/contigs.fasta --threads N to python reads_to_ctg_map.py /path/to/lib1_A.fq /path/to/lib1_B.fq /path/to/contigs.fasta /path/to/output --threads N Cost me a few core hours on each library, It started to...

Hi, I tried using version 0.40a1 and 0.44 with Python under virtualenv and without. Training goes well. Saving of the model does not happen. Environment: Lubuntu VM [image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3862237/80459373-de727780-8964-11ea-889a-ae1f6ef13579.png)

Feature Request to add LPVG and CLPVG Ref: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0048243

Given streaming data, how do we retrain on new smaller batch of data on previously trained model. Is this possible?


I get 'pi_bar' is not defined when running the examples.

I have the error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyhsmm.internals.hmm_messages_interface' when I run hmm.py from examples.

Would like to enforce a left to right transition across segments. Is there a way to modify the underlying transition matrix?

I was trying to follow the Jupyter example and when I try to do it on MultiModalData and my own dataset I see the following: Pipeline assessment warning: No data...