Launch string: ./bladebit.exe -t 24 -f ** -c ** diskplot -a --cache 100G -t1 e:/tmp/ e:/ | Tee-Object -FilePath log_run.txt Table 6 Sorting : Completed in 52.21 seconds. Distribution :...
You dont need check connection - client.loop() have checking connection inside. P.S. Thank you for 0.3.0 and QoS support
[Downgrade Instructions for security BIOS update 2014_2015.pdf](https://github.com/SuperThunder/HP_Z420_Z620_Z820_BootBlock_Upgrade/files/11139562/Downgrade.Instructions.for.security.BIOS.update.2014_2015.pdf) [J61_0369.zip](https://github.com/SuperThunder/HP_Z420_Z620_Z820_BootBlock_Upgrade/files/11139567/J61_0369.zip) It attachment instruction and 3/69 bios file, tested on 3.96 -> 3.69 downgrade, no trouble