G64 is supported by more emulators and also used in TOSEC. The spec is here: http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/~schepers/formats/G64.TXT
Here is another dump of the original C64 Demodiskette dumped with a D509V3 drive: ``` gw read --double-step --revs=5 --ecyl=39 --single-sided demodiskette.scp ** Greaseweazle v0.21 [F1], Host Tools v0.21 Reading...
I see no need of such an additional image. In my experience, the above mentioned case is solved by a Dockerfile like this: ``` FROM clamav/clamav:latest USER root apk add...
For me, the current proxy support does not work. When I analyze curl and Postman with Wireshark, they both issue a CONNECT request to the proxy server (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods/CONNECT )...
I tried this last year: https://sourceforge.net/p/opencbm/feature-requests/28/
Oh, it looks like it got merged last month - at least the sources https://github.com/OpenCBM/OpenCBM/pull/9
Perhaps @zyonee could step in here, since he did a compile last month https://github.com/zyonee/opencbm/commit/1af39f66d19db1bb009b1e54e624b3da69ef6931