Rasmus Melchior Jacobsen

Results 50 issues of Rasmus Melchior Jacobsen

I am getting "context deadline exceeded" when running a large app with about 20 projects with the debugger attached: ![image](https://github.com/dotnet/aspire/assets/2112306/cdc38e1f-1d63-4017-9034-588f58c53918) The state in the dashboard for the projects that time...


This commit: * Moves the responsibility for writing the request body from `Request` to `HttpConnection`. * Uses the buffer provided when calling `into_buffered()` to buffer writes before they are passed...

This feature is tested [here ](https://github.com/drogue-iot/reqwless/blob/main/src/fmt.rs#L198) but is not defined in `Crates.toml`. Is this a feature that we want or is this something legacy that should be removed?

This makes more sense now where `StatusCode` is the exposed api

The current behavior when writing a chunked body with `into_buffered()` is currently not as intended as the buffer seems to be on the wrong side of the chunked writer. Currently...

Currently when e.g. reading a chunked response body, we request a `read()` with a single byte buffer. This PR uses the `BufferedRead` as an intermediate to greatly avoid small connection...

On a default ubuntu install with an attached local hetzner cloud interface, the systemd `network-online` target does not take into account the auto created interfaces according to https://docs.hetzner.com/cloud/networks/server-configuration/ For example:...

stm32 otp support was removed in https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/pull/2809 / https://github.com/embassy-rs/stm32-data/pull/460. What was the specific reason for removing this support, and is there any way to get it back?

Currently in `write_all()` (https://github.com/rust-embedded/embedded-hal/blob/master/embedded-io-async/src/lib.rs#L134) we do not retry if the return error has `kind() == ErrorKind::Interrupted`. This is different than `std`: https://doc.rust-lang.org/src/std/io/mod.rs.html#1696-1708. Should `ErrorKind::Interrupted` lead to a silent retry in...