Rasmus Melchior Jacobsen

Results 38 comments of Rasmus Melchior Jacobsen

Hi all, what is the status of this issue?

Could this be merged?

I think this is related to https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/6572, as applying https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/6572#issuecomment-375012740 fixes the issue.

Adding the following code snippet just before return result.join(""); resolves the issue but it is not nice. I don't know how to property get the generator and parser instance: ```...

ping. The bug this pr fixes is a showstopper when using json files with webpack 4.

Ping @michael-ciniawsky, sorry for the noise - any news on this?

@michael-ciniawsky Could you comment on this? Or maybe point us to someone who would be able to review this?

Whoot, year that is strange. Yes, I found that I could return a type not inheriting from JSObject in toJSON. It just thought that it was a bug. Another "hack"...

This is a bug. Consider `CborReader.SkipArray()`: ``` private void SkipArray() { int size = ReadSize(); while (size > 0 || size < 0 && GetCurrentDataItemType() != CborDataItemType.Break) { SkipDataItem(); size--;...

The same is also true for the case when the timezone details is in fact specified. Currently a DateTime is returned of type "Local", but this should probably also be...