Robert Mischke
Robert Mischke
Update on the Python/Jython situation: Our current roadmap is to migrate away from Jython completely, using "native" Python for everything instead. While Jython may eventually reach Python 3 support, its...
Update: The complete replacement of Jython with "native" Python 3 is mostly complete (except some fine-tuning and documentation) and has successfully passed internal testing. This change enables tool pre- and...
Hi Arne, the Remote Access feature is going to see major improvements in RCE 9.x and 10.x (according to our current roadmap). One of these planned improvements is that published...
Status of related features/concepts: The "Remote Access" feature is deprecated and is planned to be superseded by the (currently experimental) "Uplink" feature. The latter provides a much better and more...
Status update as of RCE 10.3.1: - A first version of the "workflow as component" feature was released as part of [RCE 10.2.0]( It is not feature complete but should...
To make sure I understand correctly: The problem is not the warning itself, but that it appears multiple times?
@ArneBachmann , @andrewjeyaraj : Have you encountered this issue in a recent 9.x or 10.x release? We haven't seen this in any recent testing, so unless you report otherwise, I...
Hi Arne, I would not agree that a project with regular releases, including fairly detailed changelogs, looks dead or inactive from the outside. Also, like you mentioned, there is a...