Richard Meister

Results 30 comments of Richard Meister

Great, thanks for the attiny85 hint! Didn't had that on my radar. Will open a new issue at SoftModem and see what I can do. Unfortunately I don't have an...

Just pushed the new branch 'attiny-support' at rmeister/SoftModem. You can give it a try, it compiles. Remeber to: - add the ATTiny to the Arduino IDE: - change the...

Then probably this did not work: ``` Arduino #if defined(__AVR_ATtiny24__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny44__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny84__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny25__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny45__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) #define ATTINY 1 #endif ``` Can you verify that `__AVR_ATtiny85__`...

In the Arduino IDE, I had to choose the ATtiny85 in two steps: first the boad `ATtiny 25/45/85` and then the processor itself.

Wondering if there is a different between SoftSerial and SoftwareSerial? In the Arduino reference it is always called SoftwareSerial.

Yes I've added this URL to the boad manager: And then installed the 'attiny' package: ![board manager](

Sorry, that package was the wrong track. From your error log I can see that you already installed the right one: the digistump package. Digistump brings its own implementation of...

Think I'll evaluate if it is possible to alternate sending and receiving. What I forgot to mention is the possibility to change one of the comparator input pins and use...

And if you feel lucky, you can give your digispark a try :smile: The output is on pin 1.

Leonardo will also be able to generate now. TX pin is 3, like for the Uno.