Richard Meister
Richard Meister
Not sure, but maybe some sort of soldering joint/jumper.
I think I did not understand your question. Will a transistor help in supporting other µCs?
Ah I see, thanks for the hint. This circuit also has the benefit that it does not need a pin for reference voltage. Would be great to get this working,...
Oh I'm sorry, I did not describe the problem precisely. By crosstalk I mean capacitive or inductive coupling between two wires. The data sent on the left audio channel influences...
The simplest solution to this is using a shorter cable, or at least a cable with more distance between the single wires.
Just a short note on the idea of sending the opposite signal at the second channel: tested this with just the cable attached (no Arduino) and it did not cancel...
I don't have my notebook with me, so I can't set up the gh-pages of my fork with the fix-decoder branch. Browser to browser transmission should do better with that...
See #25 for a picture of the crosstalk.
Just tested loopback with echo cancellation turned off, but it did not make a big difference. When I placed the loudspeaker approx. 5cm away from the microphone and set the...
Correct, fix-decoder is not merged yet, but we can do that now.