Ryan Culpepper

Results 40 comments of Ryan Culpepper

@LiberalArtist The following links may be relevant: - https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Diffie-Hellman_parameters - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41356625/ To summarize: versions of openssl before 1.1.0 took multiple steps to be coaxed into doing ephemeral key exchange. You...

If you run `raco setup` (no other arguments) and then repeat your search (`raco docs jsonic`), do you get the results you expect?

One issue seems to be that finding the extent of an expression seems to require predicting the shape associated with identifiers inside the expression. That seems like a problem for...

I'm confused when `for-label` is relevant. Do you mean `for-template`? In any case, requiring *every* identifier in a macro template to be bound would interfere with quoted symbols and identifiers...

I think that making a library fully cross-phase persistent would be hard, and you'd have to sacrifice many useful features, like contracts. But I think that making a few *interfaces*...

The macro stepper doesn't use `expand`, it uses a custom version of `expand-top-level-with-compile-time-evals`.

I think if we use those other two keychains, we need to filter the certificates based on their trust settings. In Keychain Access (on Mac OS 11.4, at least), if...

I don't understand that perspective. The GUI code in this example is the second example in the GUI manual, specifically in [Creating Windows](https://docs.racket-lang.org/gui/windowing-overview.html#%28part._.Creating_.Windows%29). If you run the code at the...

Thanks for the explanation. I hadn't realized that the REPL and DrRacket both arranged to do evaluation in the eventspace handler thread. I'll update the pull request. Are the problems...

I like the idea of making more things immutable by default and guaranteeing freshness in fewer places. I don't like the idea of splitting existing primitive operations like `string-ref` into...