Ryan McMinds
Ryan McMinds
Do you think there are some (relatively) simple algorithmic tweaks that might make it possible to denoise these longer, more error-prone reads in the future? For instance, what if the...
It seems the duplex pipeline doesn't really work for amplicons because it's hard to know whether paired reads actually came from the same original molecule. It had me thinking the...
Hello - I am having a similar issue with a bit of an off-label application. I'm trying to apply this tool to non-human samples (scleractinian corals), and most of my...
Just found the discussion in the other repo. Never mind for now… https://github.com/cancerit/telomerecat/issues/35
I am that user on the Stan forums, and without having dug too deeply into your package yet, my use case is a multi-omics study that has 4 HTS count...
Thanks for the suggestions and for keeping the issue open! > In my experience uncertainty quantification is less essential for these dimension reduction models anyway, at least in comparison to...